📢 Aufregende Nachrichten: RESIZE Project! 🚀
Wir freuen uns sehr, euch berichten zu können, dass wir Teil des RESIZE Projekts sind! 🎉 Von 2025 bis 2029 arbeiten wir gemeinsam mit 25 Partnerorganisationen, darunter CPIP Romania – Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente daran, Kompetenzen im Justizvollzug zu verbessern. Als eines von nur acht EU Blueprint Alliances-Projekten, unterstützt von der EU, entwickeln wir innovative Lösungen für eine menschlichere und effektivere Strafvollzugspolitik. 🌍🔧
Weitere Informationen unter: https://shorturl.at/9l9dt 🌐
📢 Exciting Announcement: RESIZE Project! 🚀
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the RESIZE Project, running from 2025 to 2029! As one of only 8 Blueprint Alliances selected by the EU, we are honored to play a key role in reshaping correctional competencies across Europe. The RESIZE project focuses on small-scale, community-integrated detention houses and aims to upskill practitioners through the RESCALED initiative.
This project will be carried out with the support of 25 partner organizations, including CPIP Romania – Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente with Daiana Huber working together to create high-quality curricula and implement regional Pacts for Skills. The goal is to enhance the capabilities of both current and future correctional professionals, fostering innovation and promoting more humane, rehabilitative environments in the justice system.
As part of the LiberateSkills initiative, RESIZE aligns with the broader goal of professionalizing staff working with minors, youth, and adults in correctional settings, bridging gaps in competency levels and integrating correctional practices with education.
We are excited to collaborate with partners across Europe to contribute to more inclusive and rehabilitative justice systems.
For more details: https://shorturl.at/9l9dt 🌐
Hashtag#RESIZE Hashtag#BlueprintAlliances Hashtag#PactForSkills Hashtag#CorrectionalInnovation Hashtag#LiberateSkills Hashtag#Rescaled Hashtag#CorrectionalExcellence Hashtag#EUproject Hashtag#Rehabilitation Hashtag#Collaboration