In the complex and challenging realm of the prison and rehabilitation system, aligning with best practices is crucial for achieving effective and humane outcomes. The pursuit of excellence in this field is driven by the need to balance security and (re)integration, ensuring that incarcerated individuals are prepared for successful (re)entry into society.
Best practices in this context are grounded in empirical research, experience, and a commitment to improving both, individual lives and broader community safety. By sharing inspirational practices, we want to inspire practitioners, politicians, and researchers and promote a more just and effective prison system.
On this page, we present some particularly outstanding best practices that stand out for their impact and efficacy in transforming the prison and criminal legal system. These practices are pivotal for fostering positive change and achieving long-term success in the quest for a more rehabilitative and rehabilitative-focused approach in prisons.

RESCALED challenges the concept of prison & proposes small-scale, differentiated & community-integrated detention houses. When small-scale, it will be easier for incarcerated persons to build trust, make choices & gain responsibility. They will leave the detention house as a part of the community – with a good support system and the tools they need to face life after release.
On June 11th, 2024, the General Assembly of RESCALED welcomed 10 new members. The European Movement for Detention Houses now includes seventeen European countries – one of them being Austria, represented by Richtungswechsel.
We are very excited to be part of this growing movement. Our shared vision are inclusive, safe, and sustainable societies for all. A vision we aim to realise, among other ways, by supporting the use of detention houses instead of large prison institutions.
The Scandinavian Prison Project is an international, interdisciplinary research project focused on documenting the development, implementation and impact of a groundbreaking prison reform initiative led by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections in ongoing collaboration with the correctional services in Sweden (Kriminalvården) and Norway (Kriminalomsorgen).
One of the main goals of the Scandinavian Prison Project is to assess the impact of the Little Scandinavia unit on both in-prison outcomes (such as prison climate and misconducts) and post-release outcomes (such as employment and future offences).
To achieve this, incarcerated people are assigned to the unit based on a lottery system. This means that all eligible incarcerated people have an equal chance of moving to the Little Scandinavia unit.
In addition to facilitating a robust research process, this approach is arguably more fair than handpicking people and it ensures that the men on Little Scandinavia are representative of the population at SCI Chester as a whole.
To assess the myriad impacts of the reform beyond what can be glanced from administrative data, the research team conducts regular surveys of the incarcerated population and interviews staff and residents on the unit to better understand the lived experience of the people living and working there.
Watch the extended trailer of the documentary “The Prison: Little Scandinvia”

Incarceration Nations Network (INN) is a global network and think tank that supports, instigates and popularises innovative prison and justice reimagining efforts around the world. They work to promote human rights and innovative reforms of the justice system. To do this they have a large database of initiatives and programs working to reimagine the prison system. INN also partners with initiatives that they deem to be of particular interest. Furthermore, INN organises various knowledge exchanges, learning trips and advocacy campaigns.
Prison Reform & Reimagining Programs Worldwide
Some 11.5 million people worldwide are currently behind bars & this is increasing. More than 3.2 of the 11 million people behind bars have not been convicted of anything, they are legally innocent people awaiting trial. Despite being known as mass incarceration, it does not impact the masses on equal terms. ‘Othered’ communities are targeted by and thus caught up in criminal justice systems at dramatically disproportionate levels.
In essence, prisons are global repositories for the profoundly underprivileged. INN focuses on creating systemic changes internationally to work towards a world without prisons.
FrameWorks is a nonprofit think tank that helps mission-driven organisations communicate about social issues in ways that build public will to support progressive change. “Bridges From Prison” is a report making the case for the importance of creating positive ‘bridges’ from prison by FrameWorks UK.
The vast majority of people who serve time in prison will leave at some point. And, when they do, most will need support to enable them to continue with their lives and contribute to society. Evidence shows job opportunities and supportive relationships, such as family, are two of the most significant things that will help.
The organization’s signature approach, Strategic Frame
Analysis®, offers empirical guidance on what to say, how to say it, and what to leave unsaid. FrameWorks designs, conducts, and publishes multi-method, multidisciplinary framing research to prepare experts and advocates to expand their constituencies, to build public will, and to further public understanding. To make sure this research drives social change, FrameWorks supports partners in reframing, through strategic consultation, campaign design, FrameChecks®, toolkits, online courses, and in-depth learning engagements known as FrameLabs.

Penal Reform Solutions offers a range of services to transform organisational culture in prisons, probation and correctional services. They facilitate organisational growth through the creation of a safe environment where everyone can grow, to ultimately reduce social harm within prisons and wider communities.
Transform, Belong, Grow
The Social Office (Escritório Social) is a Brazilian initiative providing free support services to individuals leaving the prison system as well as their families. It offers assistance in professional qualification, employment, education, housing, documentation, and health, thereby facilitating their social reintegration and reducing recidivism.
- Created by: National Council of Justice (CNJ) in 2016, expanded with the UNDP’s ‘Doing Justice’ Programme, and supported by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.
- Managed by: The Judiciary and Executive Branch, with local partnerships.
- Objective: Assist former incarcerated people with reintegration, promoting dignity, human rights, and equal opportunities.
The Social Office is vital for rehabilitation and preventing reoffending, helping formerly incarcerated individuals r(e)integrate into society, and building safer, inclusive communities. Its success is evidenced by the development of a national policy and the construction of a support network across Brazil.
From 2021 to 2023, over 44,000 individuals were assisted by The Social Office units in 21 states in Brazil.

In Finland, Smart Prisons allow prisoners to use personal cell devices for digital rehabilitation, including restricted internet access, video calls, and emails. These services help reduce recidivism by providing access to public services, education, and healthcare, supporting reintegration into society. The concept aligns with the Nordic principle of normality, ensuring prison conditions mirror those in normal society, thus upholding prisoners’ basic and human rights.
Annual surveys conducted in 2022, 2023, and 2024 show that the Smart Prison concept supports rehabilitation, protects the basic and human rights of prisoners, and enhances staff workflows and resource management. Additionally, prisoners gain essential digital skills, which are crucial for education, employment, and managing daily life after release, helping to prevent digital marginalization. The latest advancement in prison digitalization includes introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) into corrections, where prisoners can engage in AI training as prison labor, take online courses on AI, and use virtual reality (VR) programs for rehabilitation. An AI-based service recommender system also helps prisoners find appropriate public and NGO services tailored to their needs.
The Howard League for Penal Reform is a British organization that advocates for a more humane and effective response to crime. Its goal is to reform the criminal justice system to reduce reoffending and make the prison system less punitive and more just. The Howard League works to reduce the use of prisons as a means of punishment and calls for greater investment in education, housing, health, and employment to prevent crime in the long term.
Howard League for Penal Reform – For a Fairer Response to Crime
The Howard League for Penal Reform is a leading British organization advocating for profound changes in the criminal justice system. Their approach aims to develop a more humane and effective response to crime that ensures justice for all and reduces reoffending.
Their Approach:
The current criminal justice system is often cruel and counterproductive. The Howard League believes that punishment should be associated less with cruelty and more with humanity and effectiveness. They advocate for a drastic reduction in the prison population and the improvement of conditions and opportunities for those incarcerated. The organization acknowledges that the current system disproportionately criminalizes and punishes certain groups, undermining the legitimacy of the entire justice system. Urgent reforms are needed in the interest of fairness and equality.
The Howard League envisions a solution that extends beyond the criminal justice system. They believe that the answers to crime lie in a fairer society that invests in education, housing, employment, and health. Only then can long-term, sustainable solutions be found. The organization advocates for a society that gives people a second chance and believes in their capacity for change.
Facts and Figures:
The prison population in the UK is growing rapidly. By March 2028, up to 114,800 people are expected to be incarcerated in England and Wales. This trend highlights the urgent need for reform. The Howard League not only campaigns for a significant reduction in the use of prisons but also for better conditions for those who remain incarcerated. They also recognize the harmful effects of community supervision and alternatives to imprisonment, which paradoxically often lead to more people being sent to prison rather than kept out of it.
Long-term Vision:
The Howard League believes the key to reducing crime does not lie in expanding the criminal justice system but in creating a fairer society. They are pushing for comprehensive reforms that ensure fair access to education, housing, health, and jobs. The organization believes that excessive punishment ultimately harms society more than it helps. They advocate for the belief that everyone is more than their worst decision and that society should give everyone a second chance to change.
Through their five-year strategy, the Howard League aims to address the current prison crisis in Britain while continuing to work on creating long-term, fairer solutions.

A Life of Choices is dedicated to empowering individuals and communities by addressing challenges related to youth violence, rehabilitation, and family well-being. The organization focuses on supporting mothers whose children have been impacted by the criminal justice system, equipping them with tools to lead their families, maintain healthy relationships, and play an active role in the rehabilitation process.
The mission is to shift narratives from blame to collaboration by creating holistic solutions that promote healing, resilience, and empowerment. Through grassroots initiatives, workshops, and accredited programs, A Life of Choices fosters personal growth, effective communication, and community transformation while advocating for systemic change.